Safe on the road with your laptop in a laptop cover
More and more often I take my laptop with me when I go out. How nice is it when this laptop is well protected by a laptop cover. Now the eye wants something and I chose a cover with a story.
Do you make sure that your laptop can take it safely?
My laptop
The boys are getting older and when we go somewhere, I no longer have to participate with them or walk along. For this reason I always bring a book with me nowadays, but also more and more my laptop. While they are bouldering, playing or jumping trampoline, I can now write articles.
Always protection with this laptop cover
If I go out and take my laptop with me, I want it to be well scolded. I’m just a bit of a kluns, so I better make sure that expensive things are stored safely when my Mac are stored safely. I sorted out a laptop cover at Sleevy. This laptop cover is not only beautiful.
It is also thin and light, so it still takes up little space in my bag with laptop. The cover is sturdy and of good quality, it is fed inside so that my laptop can safely in the cover.
Both a mac
Besides that I can now easily take my laptop with me, without taking up a lot of space in my bag, this laptop cover is also easy for home. Because even though I have a beautiful desk that I am working on, when I have finished blogging, the laptop goes into the cupboard. Now the man and I both have a macbook. Now it is not bad if we grab the wrong laptop, you are only always a few login attempts before you realize this.
With this laptop cover it is now very clear which Mac is of whom.
A laptop cover with a story
On the site, there was a lot of choice in laptop covers. In addition, you will also find laptop bags, travel bags or backpacks here. I found it quite difficult which laptop cover I wanted, until I saw this cover with the New York skyline.
Then I knew I wanted this one. Why? In 2001 I traveled through America for six months with my sister. We arrived in New York in March and would fly back from New York at the end of September.
In March the Twin Towers were still pontifically in the Sky Ine of New York. Then it was September 11 and changed this image. A week later we left New York again.
Since then, the New York skyline has a special place in my heart. That is why I found this laptop cover so beautiful and also appropriate.
Well protected on the road.
Whether I am going to work somewhere in a restaurant, want to check my mail on vacation or am waiting for my boys, from now on I can easily take my laptop with this handy and protective laptop cover.