Storm at home. Will that be alright?

Storm in the house. Is that still good?

It storms. It is now autumn, winter is coming. Outside it storms regularly. Huge squalls make the trees dance.

Rain taps against the windows and it gets colder and colder. It storms not only outside but also inside the house. The little man is quite restless.

Is it because of the storm, because of St. Nicholas madness or is he just struggling with the new family situation??

Storm in the house

For some weeks now I have had a huge toddler in the house. Mister has some cucumbers in his ears. Bad listening, mischief, acting wild and making noise. He is a real nuisance and I have to do my best not to get angry all the time.

It seriously looks like a huge storm is raging through our house. By the end of the day I’m completely worn out and prefer to go to bed at the same time as the kids. I can’t wait for this period to be over again.

Could it really be because of autumn? They say a storm is coming when children are restless. But does that fly when your toddler has been restless for weeks??

Somehow I suspect the penny has suddenly dropped with him. Almost three months ago he got a little sister. Although he is very fond of the little girl this brings a lot of changes with it of course.

Suddenly he’s not the only one in the house anymore. He always had my undivided attention and now he has to share it. In general he handles this well but the last few weeks he gets restless when the little lady gets the bottle for example.

He then pulls out his whole bag of tricks just to get attention. I try to involve him in everything but of course his little sister has my attention sometimes too. I think he finds this a bit difficult at the moment.

On top of that, of course, comes the bad weather. Our toddler likes to be outside and that just doesn’t happen as often now. In between showers we do our best but the days of being outside all day are really over now. And then of course the best man who sailed Into Holland Last Week.

Saint Nicholas. On the one hand, he’s not so preoccupied with it yet, but on the other hand, he does feel the excitement everywhere. A Very Nice Period, The Holiday Month, But also Very Restless.

In short, all the factors put together mean that we currently have regular storms in the house. This will probably pass but for now we have to make an extra effort to manage this whirlwind. As I Type This, The Storm Has died down because Little Man is Spending the Day Playing at Grandma’s.

Then mom can refuel and give her undidivided attention to the little girl. Hey be fine again. 😉

Do your children also ‘ Suffer ’ From this period? Or do you not recognize yourself in my story at all?

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